of a new Computer Classroom
Legal acts which refer to public supplies in Serbia
were carefully studied. Relevant TEMPUS documents were studied in
order to proceed to Equipment supply.
The report (in
Serbian) which refers to formation of a new computer laboratory
was made.
The project participants appointed the following commission: Prof.
Stojcev, Prof. Tokic, Prof. Milentijevic. Responsible persons from
the Faculty (Dean, vice dean, secretary, chief administrative) were
also included in the Comission in order to carry out tender procedure
correctly. The commission prepared Tender documentation and made
the criteria for the best offer choice. The Contractor, Prof. Claudio
Moraga and the chief administrative, dr Jesse, were informed about
the details of Tender documentation.
The tender was published
in the eminent Serbian daily magazine "Politika" on January
9th and 10th, 2003.
The organization of computer classroom .
The position of computer classroom in Faculty's local area network.
Opening of a new Computer Classroom at FEEN
Opening of a new Computer Classroom at FEEN (Faculty
of Electronic Engineering of Nis, April 17th, 2003, 12:00) - after
the presentation
of the achieved results for the first year, the Dean of FEEN opened
a new computer classroom in the presence of University authorities
and representatives of Ministry of Science and Technology. The Lab.
is equipped with the server, network printer and ten working places
provided by CD-JEP 16160/2001, while the financial support for network
equipment, installations and furniture was provided by FEEN. Also,
a new copier machine, provided by CD-JEP 16160/2001, was installed
at the faculty's
documents preparation centre.