During the end of the twentieth century
and at the beginning of the new one there have been dramatic
changes in delivering computer science (CS) education, both
in terms of what is taught, how it is taught, and how engineering
programs are accredited. The rapid evolution of the computer
industry challenges academic curricula to keep pace in providing
students with a modern technology based education. Their experiences
in school should provide them with the productive tools as
well as to challenge the existing methodologies in discovering
more efficient techniques. Teaching CS cannot be just a matter
of training engineers to design chips or to create efficient
programs. It must also provide students with a solid grounding
in fundamental concepts to prepare them for a career that
may span four decades or more a rapidly changing industry.
Everyone agrees with the fact that "the
undergraduate curriculum should teach only the fundamentals".
But what are the fundamentals? As we have already noticed
CS is changing. Here are some examples of new fundamentals:
a) Emerging technologies, particularly the
Internet, will have a more profound impact on our education
in the near future;
b) A tremendous increase in the use of computer simulation,
that can replace most hardware-based laboratory courses is
c) Web-based teaching, distance learning, "electronic
book", and interactive learning "environments"
will play increasingly significant roles in shaping what we
teach, how we teach, and how students learn. It seems that
the traditional classroom style will not survive;
d) Information technology will be embedded in virtually every
engineered products and process in the near future, etc.
The challenge is that we cannot just add these
new fundamentals to a curriculum that is already full. We
have to look critically at the current cherished fundamentals
and either displace them or find ways to cover them much more
This PROCEEDINGS describe the impact of the
previously mentioned new fundamentals on undergraduate CS
engineering courses at all four participant academic institutions
of our joint project Tempus CD_JEP-16160-2001/04, during the
first two years of this project. It is mainly reserved for
a discussion of the transformations that CS education is undergoing
as we move into a new century. The transformations can be
delineated in two broad categories: changes of the content
of curricula, and changes of the approaches in presentation
teaching material.
During the past two-years period of active
works in our joint project, six Workshops and one Symposium,
mainly dedicated to innovations of computer science curriculum
and involvement of computer tools intended to help teaching
staff and students in the learning-teaching process, were
held. In total, 72 papers were presented, and 164 participants
from 15 different academic institutions take active parts
during the preparation of the material and numerous discussions
related to presentation of the achieved results of our joint
project. Only 35 papers passed the referee procedure for publication
in this special issue PROCEEDINGS. The contributed papers
were divided into six sessions, on innovations curriculum,
lab practicing, teaching tools, Internet technologies, Mathematics
in computer science, and selected topics.
Let us introduce a brief review of sessions.
There are 14 papers in Session 1, referred
to as Innovations in Computer Science Curriculum, pp 3-62.
In general, the contributed papers cover proposals, methodologies,
and other aspects related to efficient organization of different
courses in computer science (CS) education.
In "Computer Architecture Courses in Informatics Departments",
D. Kehagias proposes three courses that should represent the
core of computer architecture in the CS curriculum.
M. Tosic and V. Milicevic in "Social Networking in the
University Education Process" present their first experience
with adopting social networking approach to the University
education process.
T. Alevizos and C. Skourlas in "Database Curricula in
Higher Informatics Education" concentrate on a framework
for comparative analysis of Database Curricula in Higher Informatics
V. Ajanovski in "Databases Course on the WebCT Platform
2002" gives a lot of details concerning organization
of the course in databases involved at FNMS.
R. Stankovic in "An Approach to the Reorganization of
Teaching at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering" gives
basic elements of a proposal for the reorganization of teaching
at FEEN and points how improvements of training and learning
can be achieved.
C. Moraga in "Proposal for a first Course on Computational
Intelligence using public domain software" gives a proposal
for a course in CI and points to some experiences in using
public domain tools as a teaching support.
C. Moraga and R. Stankovic in "Spectral Logic Design"
give a motivation of introducing an elective course devoted
to spectral techniques in CS at university level.
In "The Changing Model ?f Teaching and Learning Multimedia",
E.Rossiou and G. Pantziou describe the way how a multimedia
course is implemented at the TEI of Athens and point to intentions
how to evaluate the course.
M. Janceski and M. Kon-Popovska in "Distance Education
Teaching and Tutoring" concentrate on the increasing
need for awareness of relevant and high quality distance teaching
and tutoring.
K. Georgouli in "Towards Adaptive Web-Based Learning
Systems" introduces adaptability in web-based systems
based on the research in the domain of Adaptive Hypermedia.
P. Belsis, I. Chalaris, A. Malatras and I. Drakopoulos in
"Supporting the Learning Process Through Knowledge Based
Systems" discuss about effects and potential advantages
of applying Knowledge Based Systems as a means of supporting
the learning process and present the architecture of a developed
G. Armenski and M. Gusev in "Using eTesting methods in
CS education" report the results from a study on using
electronic testing tools for assessment of student knowledge
in few university courses for CS education.
In "Parallel and Pipelining Compiler Techniques for ILP
Course", J. Markovski and M. Gusev concentrate to innovation
in laboratory practicing for ILP course curricula.
Lj.Antovski, J.Markovski and M. Gusev in "Designing Simple
Logic Circuits" explain the motivation of involving VHDL
in the syllabus and lab practicing for digital circuits design.
The Lab Practicing session, pp 65-86, consists
of three different kinds and levels of lab practicing organization,
and one paper addressing how the computer laboratory should
be used.
M. Stojcev, T. Stankovic and P. Krtolica in "Lab Practicing
in Studying the Assembly Languages and Computer Architecture"
present a set of lab exercises used in teaching the assembly
languages of MIPS processor and Intel 80x86 family of processors.
In "Computer Laboratory Practicing at the Faculty of
Natural Science and Mathematics in Nis", V. Velickovic
and M. Miloševic give a state of the art of technical
equipment in the computer laboratories at the FSMN.
B. Jakimovski, A. Misev and M. Gusev in "Microcontroller
Lab Practicing" give details concerning I/O assembler
programming as a part of practical exercises in the course
of Microprocessors and Microcomputers. Development of several
software products, like device drivers and simulators, is
In "Computer Networks Lab Practicing with the NS simulator",
B. Stojcevska, A. Misev and M. Gusev give an overview of lab
practicing exercises for generic computer networks course
Teaching Tools session, pp 89-120, consists
of six papers. Four papers deal with creation and using simulators,
one with using intelligent tutoring systems, and one with
using dynamic clustering system as an educational infrastructure.
In "Supporting Students Learning Databases: Experiences
Using Two Intelligent Tutoring Systems", A. Mitrovic,
S. Djordjevic-Kajan and L. Stoimenov present the main features
of two intelligent tutoring systems. Both systems, SQL-Tutor
that teaches SQL and NORMIT that teaches data normalization
were used in a database course in FEEN.
D. Kehagias, M. Grivas, G. Meletiou, G. Pantziou, B. Sakellarios,
D. Sterpis and D. Ximerakis in "A Low-Cost Dynamic Clustering
System for Education and Research" describe the implementation
of dynamic clustering system consisting of a Beowulf class
cluster and a Network of Workstation class cluster.
In "Grid Communication Simulator", B. Jakimovski
and M. Gusev discuss how their Grid Simulator can be used
for teaching the students the different algorithms in implementing
collective communications for Parallel Processing course.
In "Simulators for ILP Course", A. Misev and M.
Gusev present how several different simulators can be used
in order to help students learn concepts of advanced Instruction
Level of Parallelism course.
O. Vojinovic, I. Milentijevic, D. Genov and A. Radulovic in
"SimArch: Presentation Tool for Computer Architectures"
concentrate on involving new alternative platform for creating
and delivering presentations that successfully combines positive
issues of both general and special-purpose presentation tools.
In "Logic Circuit Design Visualization in Computer Architecture
Course", J. Markovski and M. Gusev present a simple logic
simulator for performing lab exercises in basic logic circuit
The Internet Technologies in Education session,
pp 123-145, contains six papers that promise to improve learning
using Internet.
In "Tele-Teaching, Future or Reality?", R. Stankovic,
D. Jankovic, M. Radmanovic and C. Moraga discuss the basic
aspects of tele-teaching and point to the impact of teaching
technology development to contemporary educational methods.
B. Jakimovski and V. Ajanovski in "Wireless Campus Portal"
present unique standard functions of the campus-wide information
system. The pilot applications from the portal are implemented
using the WAP and SMS technology.
In "Application of Web Portal in Education", D.
Rancic, B. Dimitrijevic, S. Kostadinovic and I. Milentijevic
describe the possibilities and system architecture of web
portal usage during education process at FEEN.
I. Petkovic in "Web Component for Online Course Management
as Support of Educational Process" concentrates on description
of web component which effectively supports education process.
In "Educational Tools as Web Services", M. Stankovic
and M. Rajkovic present one possible solution for creating
educational tools based on web services. The tool is used
for creating of a Online Web Laboratory.
N. Ackovska and S. Bozinovski in "Distance Learning Robotics"
point out to the potential of usage web-based robot control
in forming a virtual classroom.
Mathematics in Computer Science session, pp
149-158, consists of two papers.
In "Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science Education
at Faculty of Electronic Engineering Nis", I. Milovanovic,
B. Randjelovic and E. Milovanovic present some interesting
details that deal with the content of Discrete mathematics
course for students of CS at FEEN.
S. Markovski, V. Dimitrova, M. Mihova and V. Ristovska in
"The Mathematical Software Packages - New Teaching Information
Technologies of Mathematics for Computer Sciences" show
how standard mathematical software packages like Mathematica,
Matlab, Maple, MathCAD can be effectively used for teaching
The PROCEEDINGS ends with a Selected Topics
session, pp 161-180, which consists of four papers.
In "LATEX Tools for Web Publishing, Screen Presentations,
and Electronic Examinations", M. Ciric presents the possibilities
of usage the software package TEX in preparation of high-quality
PDF documents for web publishing, screen presentations and
electronic exercises and examinations.
S. Georgievska in "Synchronization in Multithreaded Java
Programs" concentrates on practical aspects of synchronization
in multithreaded Java programs. Definitions of processes,
cooperating processes and threads are given, and Java threads
are briefly explained.
In "Contemporary DRAM Memories and Optimization of their
Usage", N. Milenkovic and V. Stankovic give a short survey
some of the most popular types of contemporary DRAM memories,
and explain some techniques for optimal use of them. The capabilities
of DRAM memory simulator used in lab exercises are discussed,
In "New Methodology and Evaluation System", M. Gusev
presents possibilities of the realized system intended to
evaluate students' participation during the complete semester
and also evaluate more objectively the obtained knowledge
and skills.
If you teach some course in Computer Science,
we hope that you peruse these papers, and you will find very
interesting topics, approaches and solutions for efficient
organization of teaching process and lab practicing concerning
your course.
What is more important, you can contact the authors for ideas
and tools that you can use in your course.
If this PROCEEDINGS can facilitate wider dissemination of
the proposed ideas, methodologies, and concepts, then it has
done its job in advancing the state of computer engineering
On behalf of Central Management Team (CD-JEP 16160/2001),
Mile Stojcev
Claudio Moraga
Ivan Milentijevic