The book Computer architecture and organization
contains viii+316 pages of text in B5 format. It treats subjects
from Computer organization course, held in third year of study
on the Computer Science Department, Faculty of Electronic
Engineering, University of Niš. This course is the second
one in the series of computer architecture related courses,
including introductory, intermediate and advanced courses,
that students are offered to at the Department as obligatory
as well as elective courses.
The book is divided into following sections:
preface, six chapters, two supplements, references and index.
The notions of computer architecture and implementation, requirements
for computer design and measures for computer performance
evaluation are explained in the first chapter. Second chapter
is devoted to processor instruction set architecture. All
elements that define this architecture are considered. Alternative
solutions with their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.
The MIPS32 architecture is explained as an informative representative
of contemporary RISC architectures. General processor implementation
concepts are explained in third chapter of the book. Design
techniques for data path and control units are explained through
examples of a single cycle as well as a multicycle hypothetical
processor synthesis. This is a logical introduction to pipeline
processor implementation, which is explained in fourth chapter
in the book. Concepts of pipeline processor organization,
hazards which appear in these processors and solutions for
decreasing negative effects of hazards are treated. The problems
related to introduction of multicycle functional units in
processor pipeline and ensuring precise exceptions are treated
also in this chapter. These subjects are basics for further
studies of instruction level parallelism in the following
courses on computer architectures.
In the fifth chapter basic elements of computer
arithmetics are explained. Basic data operations in integer
and floating point formats are comprised. Sixth chapter is
devoted to the hierarchically organized computer memory systems.
The organizational as well as functional aspects of cache
memories, main memories and virtual memories are explained
in details. Timing of memory elements generally and timing
of pipeline systems are shortly reviewed in two supplements.
Every chapter contains a number of examples
accompanied with corresponding solutions, which alleviate
understanding of explained concepts. Explanation is clear
and synoptic, based on contemporary concepts of computer architectures
and implementation.