Dr Norbert Jesse – University of Dortmund
Prof. dr Claudio Moraga – External expert
Prof. dr Emilija Stankovic – Ministry of Education and Sport, Government of Serbia
Prof. dr Gradimir Milovanovic – Rector of University of Nis
Prof. dr Dragan Antić – Dean of Faculty of Electronic Engineering
Prof. dr Ivan Milentijevic – Head of Computer Science Department, Project coordinator
Prof. dr Rolf Drechsler – University of Bremen
Prof. dr Katerina Georgouli – TEI Athens
Prof. dr Pedro Guerreiro – Univesidade Nova de Lisboa
Responsabilities of CMT members
Central Management Team, with Prof. Moraga as a leader, will include: dr Norbert Jesse on behalf of the UniDo; the Rector of the
UniNi, Prof. Milovanovic (vice-president of National Council for reform in higher education); the Dean of the FEE-UniNi, Prof. Antic;
and a project coordinator with contact persons from all participating institutions. CMT will: Keep track of project activities and
ensure matching the declared aims; Enable the cooperation and communication between consortium members; Monitor and
evaluate the project progress and prepare reports; Disseminate results of project activities.
Coordinating institution FEE-UniNi provides the necessary conditions for ECTS implementation in Computer Science studies. The
Faculty will support all required activities. The role of the Project Coordinator will be: To be in permanent contact with contact
persons and coordinate meetings; To guarantee the planned timescale of project activities; To organize required activities relevant
for project objectives; To keep the complete documentation of the project.
The coordination will be carried out by Prof. Milentijevic who is a head of Computer Science Department. Prof. Drechsler as a
contact person from UniBre is a dean of the Computer Science Department, Prof. Georguli is contact person for TEIA, while Prof.
Guerreiro is a contact person at FST-NUniL. They will take active part in reaching the project objectives. Their role in management
will be: To organize necessary workshop at their respective universities; To organize required activities relevant for project
Deputy of Minister, prof. Stankovic will harmonize project activities with ongoing activities of Serbian Government towards
the reform of higher education in Serbia.