This activity involves purchasing of workstations for content development, local setup of learning management system for web courses, and development of online courses material. Experts from Athens, Skopje and Alicante provided distant academic coordination, technical support and accessment of finished work. Following screenshots show part of moodle learning managements system and course materials.
The joint work of Serbian and EU colleagues on teaching material preparation was of great importance for the quality of the prepared courses, as well as EU supervision on e-learning system. Five different courses for training of informatics teachers were developed within the frame of the Center. Each course is delivered in three stages: e-learning stage (21 days), live seminar (1 day), and lab practicing with a final test (1.5 days). The total number of attendees is 933, where 816 (87%) out of them successfully passed the enrolled course and received the official certificates from the Center.
Below are shown some of the online course materials used in realisation of e-learning system.
Interesting Informatics in Elementory Schools
Modern programming concepts
Computer Networks and Internet Technologies