The sustainability of this project relays on sustainable Center for Continuous Education
Within the frame of the project we established a Center for Continuous Education as a new unit within the frame of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. Legislative platform is provided through the Statute of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering where the role of the Center is precisely described, and the Center is recognized as a new Faculty unit. The Faculty of Electronic Engineering provided classroom 332 on the third floor (north side) in the central building for the Center. All necessary infrastructure needs were provided by the Faculty. For the sake e-learning, Faculty improved its network infrastructure and provided possibilities for e-testing. Center for Continuous Education is equipped with 21 PCs, 6 working stations and three servers (from Tempus grant) connected into faculty network. Classroom 332 in equiped with modern videoconferencing system. Well selected equipment and retrained instructors are guarantee that the Center is ready to facilitate e-learning, seminars and workshops with practical work.
Below is shown teaching activity within classroom 332.